Thursday, September 10, 2009


Oh the loneliness. The loneliness for the single lady (not the one Beyonce sings about) comes at night time. For me around 11:00PM, which happens to be about the same time my cat comes alive and starts talking to me for the first time of the entire day. I recently upgraded to an iphone and now use it as my security blanket to not feel so alone at bedtime. OK, one last check of the email. How do I do this again? Right, touch the mail button. Oh, there are three new emails! One from Obama, get those everyday. One from expedia, one from...ooohhhh. Can this be my new beau? After finally decoding the signals, I get the email to come up and start laughing so hard at his email that I drop the phone. When I pick it up again, it's gone. Where's his email? What? Calm down. Don't panic. You use gmail. Gmail doesn't delete. It doesn't have to. It stores everything you've ever sent into a secret place in space. Not so on the iphone. Oh no. There is a garbage can that looks like the one Oscar from Sesame Street used to live in. Plug in the computer. NOT THERE. How does this happen to me? How can I delete the first email from my first ever dating blog site? Why can't I just be cool? Come on Erin. You can do it. Think. Yes! There has to be a trash folder. Wait-there it is! It isn't lost! Love is once again a possibility! But I still have my pride. Pop the Ambien, try to forget about it, and not respond until the next day. Honestly, I am exhausted and have a headache and my cat wants me to keep throwing his toy so he can fetch it, but...yeah. I'm playing it cool. I can still hear the voice in my head of my girlfriends when we were 22. "What? He called you? That's great!" "I know. I'm about to call him back." "No, you can't do that. Wait until tomorrow." "Really, but I like him and he CALLED ME." "No. you have to wait." I'm 29 and feel worlds away from 22. Now, can we finally just stop the bullshit. It's exhausting me and I have to go now. My pizza is burning.

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